ist eine Marke der LSH
ist eine Marke der LSH


Whether it's a commercial or industrial apprenticeship or a dual study program, we give our apprentices the opportunity to take on responsibility at an early stage. This equips them well for the working world ahead. 

And how do you see it?

Commercial training 

Starting August 1st each and every year we train industrial business management assistants at various locations in our company. 

Here you will get an insight into commercial training:

Kauffrau/-mann für Büromanagement

Industrial training

Production, logistics and the hospitality industry offer countless prospects in industrial training. We provide industrial training in the areas where we have our core competencies.

Wherein do you see your future?

Maschinen- und Anlagenführer/in
Fachkraft im Gastgewerbe

Current job opportunities

The education opportunities at LSH are as diverse as you are. So, whether it is an industrial or commercial apprenticeship or a co-op degree – if you are keen to start your working life with us, have a look at our current job opportunities.

To the job opportunities

Learn more about us